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Charity Golf Day 2024

On Sunday 5 May 2024 Town & Country Aggregates’ annual charity golf day took place at the Buxton & High Peak Golf Club.

Organised by David Slack (Town & Country Aggregates’ shift leader), with help from Steven Morten (the company’s MD), this year’s event raised £5,600, from donations and local companies generously sponsoring each of the 18 holes.

On the day 36 teams of two competed for the George Mellor Memorial Trophy, which is in memory of George Mellor who was a member of the club for many years and who sadly lost his life to cancer.

The monies raised will help support the essential work of The Christie Charity, which provides specialist cancer treatment that is not available on the NHS.

Image: David Slack (L) with TCA’s MD, Steven Morten

For more information about The Christie Charity follow this LINK

For more information about Buxton & High Peak Golf Club follow this LINK

Categorized: Charity, Latest news